Absolutely right! We talk a lot about self esteem. Competence and confidence are the foundation of self esteem. No one can give anyone self esteem. It must be gained by accomplishments. The greater the self perceived accomplishment, the better the self esteem. I am still proud of earning a "C" in second semester calculus!
Absolutely right! We talk a lot about self esteem. Competence and confidence are the foundation of self esteem. No one can give anyone self esteem. It must be gained by accomplishments. The greater the self perceived accomplishment, the better the self esteem. I am still proud of earning a "C" in second semester calculus!
I was so happy when I earned a B in a calculus course for non-science majors in college. I’m ready to re-learn some basic statistics! Time to embrace this skill and feel more confident when reading data and research reports.
Absolutely right! We talk a lot about self esteem. Competence and confidence are the foundation of self esteem. No one can give anyone self esteem. It must be gained by accomplishments. The greater the self perceived accomplishment, the better the self esteem. I am still proud of earning a "C" in second semester calculus!
"No one can give anyone self-esteem. It must be gained by accomplishment" That's quite a truism - Thanks
I was so happy when I earned a B in a calculus course for non-science majors in college. I’m ready to re-learn some basic statistics! Time to embrace this skill and feel more confident when reading data and research reports.